A Lo-Fi look at Les Gets World Champs track.
The 24th - 28th August will see the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships return to Les Gets after an 18 year hiatus, the Worlds fastest racers will be competing against each other in an all or nothing, no holds barred race for the rainbow stripes and World Championship title for 2022. Les Gets World Cup is a firm favourite of the riders, known for its huge amount of fans, amazing track and seriously rowdy afterparty!
The 2021 Les Gets World Cup race track has widely been called one of the greatest race tracks of all time, combining a mix of flat out fast sections up top, steep technical sections towards the bottom, through some huge jumps and man made features into the mix and there's no wonder why this is a favourite amoungst riders and fans. We took a stroll down the 2022 Les Gets World Champs track to see what had changed for this years events. With some significant tweaks, new sections and some forestry work combined with the one of the driest seasons on record, this is sure to make for one hell of track.
The start of the track remains mostly unchanged, the start hut is in the same place and it still has this rather distracting view to tie your stomach in knots as you hear those startling beeps. A few berms, step down and step up onto a flat out grass section before heading into the first smaller road gap.

2 short natural sections lead into a bigger road gap and the biggest hit on the hill. This thing is gnarly! After some rider feedback, there looks like there may be a wider set up into the take-off allowing riders to carry more speed (depending on the taping of the track), plus the turn immediately after the step down has been built up to provide more support, riders will be pulling some serious G's through this turn and no doubt some spectacular blow outs if it doesn't all go to plan.

Once you've survived the road gap and blown up the huge left hand berm, the track does a few turns before diving into a high speed natural rooty section, before heading past the Mt.Chery reservoir, if the weather is anything like it has been so far this summer, you'll be stopping here for a swim and a Demi.

After the lake is where things start to get a little bit more interesting with a few bigger changes popping up, first is the extremely off camber natural section that traverses near Gets Airline trail, this is fresh for this year and will no doubt rut up to something completely unrecognisable. After this the World Champs track now jumps over the traditional Mt.Chery downhill track which is followed last year and heads into the woods for more high speed, nartural sections with plenty of hidden snakelike roots sure to come out after a few hundred riders tear it to shreds.

The World Champs track then cuts over Mt.Chery black and head down an established steep section frrom last year, over the awkward roots, bike park turns and table tops before heading into a newly forested and cleared section featuring the infamous Reece Wilson "tuck no hander to breakdancing lander " creek gap. Reece, you'll be happy to hear the run to this has been mellowed out significantly, let's see you hold onto that pony this time ey.

Once you've held onto the bars over the creek gap, its a quick blast through a grass field lined with screeming fans, a 3 good sizes table tops and a right hand berm, all of which will have the revs sitting on the red line. Cross the finish line and you're world champ! Easy as that, lets pop the champagne!

Whether you're racing or spectating Les Gets World Champs 2022 is looking to be the race of a life time.
Bike Morzine offers some of Europes best MTB accommodation available for World Champs week so get in touch with our friendly team to secure your spot today before its too late...
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See you on trails!
Bike Morzine